Gender Ideology

The world has embraced the idea that gender is something that can be decided by individuals. As Christians encounter colleagues, friends and family members who identify as a gender other than the one they were born, we need to be informed and equipped with knowledge about what the issues are, what different terms mean and what the Bible has to say about these things. While we walk the line between loving our neighbour and not buying into the world’s lies, Sharon James helps us in this informative and practical guide. (Ligonier Ministries)
When we are all forced to play along with something that we know is not true, something as basic as having to say that boys can really be girls, it degrades and demoralises us all.
George Orwell warned that ‘in a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act’. Today, freedom must include the freedom to say that a man cannot be a woman. A boy cannot be a girl. A ‘trans woman’ (biologically male) is not a woman however he ‘identifies’.
‘Gender Ideology: What Do Christians Need to Know?’ explains in simple terms what is going on and how you can respond. It aims to help you become more confident in the truth that we have been created male or female. It will equip you to protect the next generation from believing lies that lead to lasting physical and emotional harm. Let’s stand together on the side of truth!