
Some recent endorsements:

In the current chaos that is Western culture those teachers are rare and valuable who are able to take a wider view of what is developing, to connect the various strands of the apparent moral anarchy around us, and see how these can be addressed in a manner that is consistent with a biblical way of thinking while also clear and comprehensible to the lay person. Sharon James has an impressive track record of being precisely such a person.
Carl R Truman, Professor, Grove City College, Pennsylvania
The church owes Sharon James a great debt of thanks for the way she has worked through issue after issue in order to illustrate how Jesus is the rock and the world is sinking sand.
Rico Tice, All Souls, London
Sharon James’s perspective as a historian and her diligence as an analyst of culture make everything she writes important. But her convictions as a Christian historian and analyst makes everything she writes invaluable.
Ben Virgo, Christian Heritage, London
Sharon James is a clear writer who reads the culture through the lens of Scripture rather than reading the Scriptures through the lens of the culture.
David Robertson, Christian pastor and apologist

This booklet shows that through history, and across the globe, true followers of Christ have challenged injustice and abuse, and provided care for the needy, living out their conviction that every person is created in God’s image. Short and accessible – suitable for giving to those who suspect that Christianity has been a toxic and oppressive influence.

‘Critical Theory’ is the ideology behind woke activism and ‘cancel culture’. Both Christians and non-Christians are facing fierce challenges at university or at work because of this lethal blend of postmodernism and Marxism. (48 pages)

As it becomes ever more apparent that bad ideas bear bitter fruit, we are to be confident that living according to God’s truth leads to individual and societal flourishing.

The biblical worldview is the foundation of the justice, freedom and compassion that we regard as fundamental to human flourishing.

What do Christians Need to Know?

Daily Devotions from the Pentateuch