Ann Judson

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In October 1810 a twenty-year-old girl in the quiet New England town of Bradford wrote the following words in her journal: ‘If nothing in providence appears to prevent, I must spend my days in a far off and idolatrous land. I am a creature of God, and he has an undoubted right to do with me, as seems good in his sight…He has my heart in his hands, and when I am called to face danger, to pass through scenes of terror and distress, he can inspire me with fortitude, and enable me to trust in him. Jesus is faithful; his promises are precious. Were it not for these considerations, I should sink down with despair.’ Ann Hasseltine had received a proposal of marriage from Adoniram Judson, who was shortly to leave for Asia as one of America’s first overseas missionaries. And so commenced one of the great dramas of church history: a saga of love, courage, suffering and perseverance.

Previously published as ‘My Heart in His Hands’, this book is fully revised and updated and is the best modern biography of Ann Judson available. If you only read one biography this year, read ‘Ann Judson: a missionary life for Burma’. If you’re going through trials or suffering you need to read this book and find out that trials are always for a purpose rightly understood they glorify God and build us up in the faith.

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The story of the life of Ann Judson as told by Sharon James was one of the most inspiring, convicting and challenging stories I have ever read. It was given to me as I was struggling with the cost of leaving all, family, friends, home, and coming to an unknown, strange, and difficult place . . . This book convinced me that no cost is too great, and no price too high for the privilege of taking the honours of His Name to those who have never known or heard.
Serving long-term missionary in the Far East
In a venerable line of biographies of Ann Judson, this fresh re- telling of Ann s story provides a marvellous biographical resource. Courage has been likened to the discovery of new lands one must be willing to lose sight of the shore if they are ever going to be found. By this standard, Ann Judson was indeed a woman of courage.
Michael A. G. Haykin
Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality; and Director of The Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
For those who love rich and instructive historical narrative, deep and sacrificial Christian commitment, genuine and heart-felt devotion to Christ, and bold and daring service for the sake of the spread of the gospel one can hardly find a story more amazing than one will read in Sharon James s excellent depiction of the life and times of Ann Judson, devoted wife to Adoniram Judson. . . May God be pleased to use this wonderful book to stir up the devotion and commitment of his people, to the praise of Christ and the ongoing spread of the message of his cross.
Bruce A. Ware
Professor of Christian Theology
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
Sharon James has given us a tremendously moving account of Ann Judson’s thirty-seven years. She has skilfully and seamlessly woven her own narrative with Ann’s personal correspondence and has vividly captured the times in which her subject lived. I found myself living within their story. The greatest impact of the book is made by its description of Ann Judson’s passion for the glory of God and her single-minded desire to see the kingdom of Christ established in Burma. The faith and endurance of this woman are, at times, breathtaking. I would commend this book to both men and women who want to grow in faith and godliness.
John Tindall
Birmingham, UK