Sarah Edwards
“The glory of God seemed to be all, and in all, and to swallow up every wish and desire of my heart. . . . my soul was filled and overwhelmed with light, and love, and joy” (Sarah Edwards)
Delighting in God – Even when Life Hurts
When the great revival preacher Jonathan Edwards wanted to describe what authentic revival looks like, he looked to his wife Sarah. A transformative experience of God’s love empowered her to trust her Saviour even through the darkest of times. She delighted in God, and longed for others to enjoy him too: “I felt such a disposition to rejoice in God, that I wished to have the world join me in praising him.”
Sharon James gives an engaging account of Sarah’s life, and includes Sarah’s full first-hand account of her formative revival experience. It will inspire the reader not only to delight in God, but to work and pray for revival in our own day.
If we long to know and love God more deeply, we can learn from people who have proved God to be faithful through the hardest times. Sarah Edwards (wife of the eighteenth-century revival preacher Jonathan Edwards), lived through a succession of crises and tragedies with serenity and courage.
Read her story and be inspired by Sarah’s own account of a transformative experience of God’s holiness, grace, sovereignty and glory during a time of revival. You too can delight in God – even when life hurts!