How Christianity Transformed the World
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A clear and engaging overview of the positive impact Christians have had on society over the centuries.
The Baroness Cox of Queensbury
If you’ve been influenced to believe that the Christian gospel is a virulent intellectual infection that should be eradicated, that it robs people of joy and freedom, that it oppresses women and makes its heavenly minded adherents of little earhtly good, then you very much need to read this book. As Sharon James’ extensive research reveals, real history tells a very different story – one that will fill you with all the right kinds of wonder.
Jon Bloom
Co-founder Desiring God
Talks & Interviews
(International Christian Medical and Dental Association, ICMDA)
Kevin Swanson of ‘Generations’ ministry interviews Sharon on her book, “How Christianity Transformed the World”
Dr Sharon James is The Christian Institute’s Social Policy Analyst. Here, she speaks to Ciarán Kelly about her new book, How Christianity Transformed the World and urges today’s Christian’s to embrace and build on the incredible legacy of previous generations of believers.